To help you stay informed about market trends and trading information on XREX fiat-crypto Exchange, the latest version of the XREX App provides the following two types of market price information:
Reference Price
The reference price integrates real-time quotes from XREX and other major exchanges and is displayed on the K-line chart in the XREX App. It serves as an indicator of the fair market price for cryptocurrencies. Since cryptocurrency prices may vary across exchanges, the reference price offers investors a way to observe market trends.
Trading Data
Trading Data is displayed below the K-line chart and includes actual trading data on the XREX Exchange over a specific period, such as the highest price, lowest price, and trading volume.
For spot, margin, and grid orders on the XREX platform, transactions are completed based on whether the order matches the corresponding price in the XREX order book. Due to the dynamic nature of supply and demand for trading pairs on XREX, the prices shown in market transaction information may differ from the reference price.