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How to convert on XREX crypto-fiat exchange?
How to convert on XREX crypto-fiat exchange?

Follow our step-by-step guide to easily convert.

Updated over a week ago

XREX directly supports New Taiwan Dollors (TWD), United States Dollar (USD), stablecoins and cryptocurrencies that have been audited with strict risk control mechanisms. In addition to direct trading with limit and market orders, convert is also a very convenient and useful feature that will allow you to get real-time quotations (exchange rate). You can easily execute conversions between all fiat and cryptocurrency supported in XREX with just one click!

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How to convert:

  1. Click Convert on the XREX home page.

  2. Select the fiat or cryptocurrency pair you wish to exchange and fill in your preferred or owned amount. Please note that you can only convert a minimum or equivalent of 10 USD.

  3. The system will automatically calculate how many coins or tokens you will obtain for the particular conversion using a real-time exchange rate. This rate may fluctuate with market prices, but at the moment you press the Convert button, we guarantee that your entire amount will be processed according to the rate at that exact moment.

  4. Click Convert to confirm the exchange rate and execute the order immediately.
    You can check the history page for more information about the conversion order detail (eg. fee, exchange rate, etc.). Please note that the actual conversion amount may slightly differ due to the different sizes of currency and the number of decimal points generated during the conversion.

    ** Please note that the images and videos displayed here may not always reflect the most current version of the XREX App. For the latest updates, we encourage you to refer directly to the XREX App. **

    Happy trading!

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